For Clients

selecting the most suitable applicants

Our purpose

What we want to do is help you choose the best candidates.

Deciding Which Fit Will Lead to Long-Term Success.

A candidate who is great for one position might be disastrous in another superficially similar position. A candidate who seems too good for a job usually is and often does not stay long. A star performer who does not know how to work with colleagues can cause more problems than he or she solves.

Your Reliable HR Arm as a Strategic Partner

A candidate who is great for one position might be disastrous in another superficially similar position. A candidate who seems too good for a job usually is and often does not stay long. A star performer who does not know how to work with colleagues can cause more problems than he or she solves.

Balancing Cost and Quality

In today’s economy price will be a factor in your decision. However, just as poorly paid candidates can be expensive, so can a cheap search company.

The finest guide for both a search business and a candidate is a list of references from reliable sources.

Comprehensive Candidate Sourcing

We start our hiring procedure with a thorough database search using specialist technologies. We ensure a wide pool of talent with our library of over 30,000 Romanian experts in numerous industries including corporate finance, real estate, engineering, finance, law, and sales & marketing. To further enhance our applicant pool, we actively seek out suggestions and references from contacts in the industry as well as from candidates in the relevant area.

Thorough Market Research and Engagement

We carefully study the market to target relevant organizations and find suitable candidates in parallel with our efforts to source candidates. We connect with qualified people by means of intensive phone and email canvassing, in addition to using forums, e-groups, and social media platforms. This guarantees a proactive and focused approach to recruitment.

Efficient Advertising and Candidate Guarantee

Subject to customer agreement, we use targeted advertising methods in national newspapers and publications. Interestingly, we pay for these ads ourselves without adding a fee to our clients. We put efficiency first, with assignments taking an average of three weeks to complete. Furthermore, we hasten the applicant selection process when time is of the essence or when the recruited position demands a quicker resolution. In addition, we offer a candidate guarantee period, which highlights our dedication to customer satisfaction by providing a free replacement within three months of employment termination, giving our clients piece of mind.

How we work

We think about the context within which the appointed candidate will be required to operate. Those who shine in one environment do not always retain their lustre when transported to another. When you are trying to build a team or strengthen an existing one, individual brilliance may sometimes be less important than mutual compatibility.

A typical scenario

Client meeting to understand company structure, role analysis, ideal candidate profile, remuneration setup, written proposal, candidate search, interviews, shortlist presentation, negotiation assistance.

Initial Client Engagement and Understanding

A client meeting is the first step in the recruitment process, during which the organization’s priorities, operations, and structure are discussed. We examine the duties, goals, and reporting structures of the position. We design the optimal applicant profile in collaboration with the customer, taking experience, abilities, and attributes into account. Along with establishing appropriate compensation and working conditions, we also make sure that they are in line with company goals and industry standards.

Proposal Confirmation and Candidate Search

Following our initial conversations, we formally agree upon a written proposal that includes the conditions, costs, recruitment brief, and schedule. Following agreement, we start the process of sourcing candidates by focusing on those that meet the client’s requirements through prearranged techniques such executive search and database selection.

Candidate Evaluation, Presentation, and Support

Following the identification process, we interview each candidate in-depth to assess their qualifications, background, character, and drive. With thorough reporting on each prospect, a short list of individuals who meet the client’s requirements is created. Transparency is ensured by our constant communication with the customer and candidates during the process. We also provide assistance in settling employment terms through talks in order to ensure a successful placement.